Wednesday 10 August 2011


Found these diary notes from our trip to NYC in April 2000 for our 10th anniversary.

Wednesday 26th April

Pam: Well we're here and it's fantastic. After a hair raising trip from the airport we hit the traffic in Manhattan, it all seemed so familiar, horns blaring, smoke rising from under the roads, Cops, just like you see in the films. Finally reached the Milford Plaza and took up residence on the top floor, floor 28! Nice room, fantastic view. Showered and changed and out on the town. Hit the empire State first, my stomach was churning on the way up in the lift up to floor 80, 10 floors at a time, then into another lift for the final 6, then out onto the viewing gallery 'No Problem' what a feeling! After that we went shopping in Gap and Macys then went for food at Vava Pancho just off Times Square. enjoyed a couple of beers and sizzling fajitas by which time jet lag was setting in so we set off back to the room, lied in bed looking out of the window at the now illuminated Empire State. Wow!

Andrew: Forgot to mention wandering up Broadway with a grande espresso and a hot chocolate to go! Also compared to the West Coast I would say everyone is friendlier here, especially in the shops. The other thing you notice when you are in the USA is that how multi racial society is and how everyone is on the same level socially. We have big plans for tomorrow so it will be interesting to see if we can get it all done.

Thursday 27th April

Andrew: Both of us are up at 05:30am after a fantastic 8 hours sleep. Planning to set out at 07:00am and go to the Stage Deli on 7th Avenue....... Excellent breakfast, absolutely stuffed. Went downtown on the bus to Battery Park. Walked up to South Sea Port, so early that all the fishermen were still offloading their stocks. Went for a coffee in the financial district and then back to Pier 17 for shopping. Later went on the Staten Island ferry, saw some great views of Lady Liberty and the Manhattan skyline. then went over to the World Trade Centre to the top of the world observatory, 107 floors up , 58 seconds in the lift, staggering views. After went back to the hotel to offload bags and have a nap before heading down to the Village tonight. Had to arrange to have the heating turned off because the room is boiling!

Pam: Got in a taxi at 20:00pm armed with a list of pubs to visit in Greenwich Village, first stop the White Horse Tavern. great atmosphere very much like being at home. Sampled a few Black Stars and Coors Light and potato skins. Next on the list a walk through the Village (what a great place) to Chumleys, how we found it I don't know but Andrew had done his homework and knew we looking for a brown door, no sign, inside it was buzzing, we sampled Golden Lab Homebrew and Honey Brown lager, a couple of drinks later off to Barrow Street Ale house, heaving again, like an ale house in decor, got comfy at the bar, sampled many beers and gin and tonics, had a laugh with a great guy from Texas (James). 00:30pm time to head back in a NYC taxi. Great night!

Friday 28th April

Andrew: Happy Anniversary!! Room still boiling, rang up to get the heating turned off again. Several tasks today, number one is to try and get a reservation at a restaurant / nightclub called Iguana. Not sure if we will get in or not so we'll see. After that we are going to Bloomingdale's and up fifth avenue for shopping......

Pam: Shoppers paradise! If you're into pushing and shoving. not that bad really but very busy especially in Swartchz toy shop and H&M clothes. Trump Tower is an amazing building and Nike town was great, did loads of shopping in there. Not many other shops in there except a very expensive ladies shop. I could have gone mad in but just bought 1 thing! Onto Bloomingdale's for lunch, delicious, men's dept great, women's dept clothes overload!! Had to leave . Went to Gap instead. All shopped out we went to Roxy diner for some light refreshments then back to room for a rest and to get ready for the night. 20:30pm jumped in a taxi to Iguana had the most delicious and expensive meal to date (real Mexican food in a real Mexican restaurant). Planned on dancing the night away but too full and tired to carry it out. Nipped into Kinko's before heading back to send an email to Shaun and Co.

Saturday 29th April

Pam: Lazy morning lie in, awake at 08:30am feeling refreshed and ready for another slice of big apple. the plan is Central Park this morning as the sun is shining.

Andrew: Asked the taxi driver for the Dakota building but he didn't know where it was, so jumped out at the museum on Central Park west and walked for ages, realised we were about 20 blocks to far up! Sat down and had a coffee and bagel and set off again. Finally found the Dakota and John Lennon's memorial (Strawberry Fields). Set off into the park over Bow Bridge, through the ramble up to the Great Lawn. Cannot believe the amount of wildlife in this place, squirrels and birds everywhere, it is so relaxing and peaceful. Exited the park at the Guggenheim museum and the walked all the way (2-3 miles) down Madison Avenue. It is so posh, its unbelievable, you pass people absolutely dripping with money. Looked in some estate agents where the average price for apartments seem to be $6,500,000! Pam's feet were hurting, so went back to Nike Town and bought her some trainers and rang Dave / Angie / Robert / Sophie. Really missing the kids now., but Dave and Angie are doing a wonderful job of looking after them, so it doesn't seem too bad. Went to McAnn's Irish Bar on Madison and 5th Avenue and had a pub meal then went back into the park. It's getting really hot now so sat by the lake and had an ice cream. Pam decided she wanted to get some last minute things, so jumped in a cab to Macys. After shopping went back to the room and got changed before heading down to Little Italy and Chinatown. It is packed down here, walked up Mulberry street checking out the Italian area then walked about 20 yards and was in the middle of Chinatown and the only westerners there! The shops are unbelievable, the fish in the fish shops are all alive, they just take them out and wrap them in newspaper. Whole ducks are cooked (with the heads on) and hanging in the windows. Talked Pam into having an authentic Chinese meal, so walked in and looked over the menu (pigs blood soup, fish head stew). Ended up ordering Spicy Beef Fun Top and Pork and noodles won ton. We eat what we could but it certainly wasn't what we were used to! Set off to walk over to a bar in the East Village. Big Mistake.... It was getting dark and we were in a really rough neighbourhood, not many people around, no cabs, derelict buildings. Got to the nearest cross street and flagged a cab and went to D.B.A bar. Had a couple of beers, then went up to a bar in Times Square. Got chatting to a couple from Oklahoma. Went out to take some pictures, so bright at 23:00pm that the flash didn't go off. Went to a deli and got a pizza and some beers to have in the room.

Sunday 30th April
Andrew: woke feeling a little queasy, realised my plan for an authentic Chinese was probably not the best. No real plans today, feel as though we have covered most areas, may go back to the village... we'll see when Pam wakes. Decided to have some breakfast in the room, pack and then go over to Grand Central station. Another place that we have seen on TV many times. Afterwards stumbled upon Brynat Park, had a delicious light meal and then sat in the sun in the park. Wandered back to the hotel to meet up with our driver to take us back to JFK.

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